Submit A Free Directory Listing

Welcome! We invite you to take a giant steps to promote your business - for FREE! Tahoe TV/ is now accepting a limited number of free listings in our online directory and we're excited to see you in the mix!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I submit a directory listing?

Your listing will be part of the Lake Tahoe region's largest independent multi-media network that delivered over 22 MILLION IMPRESSIONS for local businesses in the past year.

Where will my listing be seen?
Your listing will be included in directory category search requests on, as well as on the Free Lake Tahoe App.

Who will see my listing? and the Free Lake Tahoe App welcome over 650,000 unique visitors annually, generating over 1.5 million page views. Site visitors/users are predominantly from the Western United States, particularly Northern California and Nevada, but also include visitors from across the United States and around the world.

What Does A Listing Include?

All our listings are designed to provide site visitors and mobile visitors with information they can use immediately to reach your business. Each standard listing includes the following:

  • Business Name
  • Business Category
  • Physical Address & Phone
  • Website Address
  • Your business logo
  • Short description of your business
  • Google Map with your business location

Additional Options (For Featured Listings) include video, Tahoe Deals coupons, inclusion in other parts of the site as a featured listing, and more.

How Do I Get Started?
To submit your listing please complete the form below. Your listing will be reviewed for compatibility with our editorial and content policies, and if acceptable, posted when and where appropriate.

We generally update/add listings on a bi-weekly basis. No guarantees are made as to a listings accuracy beyond what is submitted.

Thanks for your interest! We look forward to forging a long-term relationship and appreciate the opportunity to promote your business on a daily basis all year long.


Please select the field or fields that best fit your business.
Please provide the complete and exact web link URL address for more information, registration, etc.
Please select the area/location at which your event takes place or your business/organization is located.
Please provide up to a 100 word promotional description and details of and about the event.
If available, please provide a logo or photo/image related to the company/organization or location holding the event. File size must be under 5mb. Acceptable file types: PDF, .tif, .jpeg, .png, .eps
Files must be less than 4.88 KB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg png eps tif pdf zip.
This will be used for the Google Map element on your listing.
Please provide any other pertinent comments or special information about your business for our consideration.
If available, please provide the Instagram username for your business.
If available, please provide the username and/or URL/link for your business on Trip Advisor.
If available, please provide the username and/or URL/link for your business on Yelp.
Please select the type of listing package you want. If you are submitting a Standard Listing and would like to be contacted about a Featured Listing, please go ahead and select both types. We'll go ahead and process your Standard listing and be in touch about an upgrade.