Palisades Tahoe

'I Am Unbreakable' - PUSH Expedition Team Welcomed Home

Members of the PUSH Project, a group of Lake Tahoe adventurers, including adaptive athlete Grant Korgan, that reached the South Pole on January 17th, were welcomed home at a packed event on January 31st in Palisades Tahoe.

JT Holmes Supports Tahoe “Plates for Powder” Program

Pro Skier and wingsuit movie stuntman JT Holmes recently completed shooting of promotional video spots in support of the "Plates For Powder" program and Tahoe Fund efforts to raise money for Tahoe Projects.

Snow, Sun, Expanded Terrain Make For A Great Tahoe Weekend

Last weekend's storms set Lake Tahoe's resorts up with what amount to the best conditions of the season. More resorts are open, and the terrain available has drastically expanded. With sun in the forecast, it's lookin' like a great weekend.
