Submit A TC150 Event

Tahoe City 150 Logo

Submit an event for the TC150 Master Calendar

Please select the area/location at which your event takes place or your business/organization is located.
Please provide a short 'headline', or title for the event.
Please enter the start or occurrence date of this event.
If applicable for consecutive multi-day events, enter the end date of the event.
Please provide up to a 100 word promotional description and details of and about the event.
Please provide the complete and exact web link URL address for more information, registration, etc.
If available, please provide a logo or photo/image related to the company/organization or location holding the event. File size must be under 5mb. Acceptable file types: PDF, .tif, .jpeg, .png, .eps
Files must be less than 4.88 KB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg png eps tif pdf zip.
Additionall, you may provide a news release or other written coverage/detailed description of the event.
Files must be less than 1.95 KB.
Allowed file types: txt rtf pdf doc docx.
Please provide any other pertinent comments or special information about the event. This would include any restrictions, pricing, ages, special notes, etc.