PLACES: Unknown Mt. Lola near Truckee

I have been to the trailhead in August and found no cars there, and I have done the entire trail without seeing anyone. While the trail has no lakes alongside and it starts at the end of a remote dirt road, it makes for a wonderful day trip, especially if you start from the Truckee area, only 20 miles away down highway 89. (Driving instructions are below.)

Community Disaster Planning #2: Tahoe City

Tahoetopia interviewed various local authorities for this series of stories.


Community Disaster Planning #1: North Shore

Tahoetopia interviewed various local authorities for this series of stories.

North Tahoe Fire Protection District (NTFPD) officials stressed that emergency readiness begins with the individual.

The Difference Between Here (at 6,000 feet) and There

Why are we doing these things? In every instance we are actively protecting our own interests. Such interests include health, love and esteem, financial security, a solid family, and minimizing big bills from unplanned events. There is one interest we tend to overlook, however. Yet it is the primary reason most of us live in the Kings Beach—Tahoe—Truckee triangle. We are immigrants by choice.

Highest Winery in the World

On September 24, in keeping with tradition, Father Nelson Van Gundy blessed this year's wine grapes with snow saved from last winter. This blessing marks the beginning of harvest when grapes arrive at the “Big Red Barn,” otherwise known as the Truckee River Winery.

Finding Myself as a Writer

During afternoons on the beach I read Boris Pasternak’s, Dr. Zhivago, and looked forward to seeing—if only for a few moments—the extraordinary beautiful, Karolyn. She owned the place I was staying, and she was in and out. She was a princess who had actually been kind to me.

Autumn Colors in Page Meadows near Tahoe City

While the Sierra is not New England when it comes to fall colors, our aspen groves in the fall can be quite spectacular. One of my favorite places for beautiful trees is Page Meadows, right in Tahoe City’s backyard. (Some people spell it “Paige” incorrectly, according to the authoritative book Tahoe Place Names, by Barbara Lekisch.)

Home Energy Audit. Take Minutes; Save Bucks.

One aid produced in the DOE’s Federal Energy Management Program is an easily conducted, home energy audit. It is excerpted below. The DOE also has tips on saving the amount of energy used by your vehicle. Visit:
